Swim Team Calendar

Sat Sep 21 2024

Fall Meet FPST
Forest Park Swim Associaction
Start: 9:00 AM

Sat-Sun Aug 3-4 2024

2024 Contra Costa County Championships
Acalanes High School - 1200 Pleasant Hill Road, Lafayette
Start: 9:00 AM
End: 4:00 PM (estimated)

This is a qualifying meet. See qualifying times on the "Records" tab on our website. Events are as follows. Trials are in the morning and the top 20 qualify for Finals in the afternoon. IM and Relays are timed finals only. Also see the County website: https://contracostacountymeet.com/home for more information.

Saturday, August 3rd, 9am start
Freestyle Trials
Breaststroke Trials
IM Timed Finals (11&Up)
15-18 50 Free Finals
Medley Relay Timed Finals

Freestyle Finals
Breaststroke Finals

Sunday, August 4th, 9am start
Backstroke Trials
Butterfly Trials
IM Timed Finals (7/8,9/10)
Free Relay Timed Finals
Backstroke Finals
Butterfly Finals

Warm ups are 7:15-8:30am for all swimmers and 8:30-8:50am for 8&Under only. Please follow instructions from meet officials and lifeguards during all warmup periods. There are no assigned lanes for teams during any warmup periods.

County will follow 12&Under tech suit regulations like the other recent Invitational meets. Click here for more information and a list of approved suits for 12&Unders.

Thu Aug 1 2024

County Dinner
RSM Pool Deck
Start: 6:00 PM
End: 7:30 PM (estimated)

All County swimmers and their families are invited for a special celebration dinner at RSM.  There will be **NO SWIMMING** at this event so our swimmers can save their strength for the big weekend!

More details to come...

Tue Jul 30 2024

County Ice Cream Sandwiches & Photos
RSM Pool Deck
Start: 9:00 AM
End: 11:00 AM

Stay after practice for a sweet treat with your fellow County swimmers!

Mon Jul 29 2024

Farewell Dinner & Team Awards
RSM Pool
Start: 6:00 PM
End: 9:00 PM

Let's celebrate this season's many victories at the Farewell & Awards Dinner on Monday, July 29th at 6PM @ RSM

Swimming, slideshow, awards, and team spirit will be on repeat!

Dinner will be catered by Taqueria Los Gallos, offering vegetarian and quesadilla options. Enjoy an evening of swimming, a slideshow, awards, and team spirit! Don’t forget to bring a swimsuit, towel, and your preferred beverage. 

Tickets: $20 per adult $10 per child (children under 4 eat free) Purchase your tickets through the RSM TEAM STORE on the RSM website by Wednesday, July 24th. ** 

**NOTE:** No payments will be accepted at the event; all families must pre-pay. RSVPs cannot be modified once submitted. We look forward to celebrating the end of a fantastic season with you!

Fri Jul 26 2024

Spaghetti Dinner
Start: 5:30 PM
End: 7:30 PM

Join us for our annual Spaghetti Dinner on Friday, July 26th at 5:30pm at RSM, for some team bonding and to carb-load before DCSL! We'll also announce the Swim-a-Thon winners (most laps and most $ raised, by age group).

Please RSVP (by Tuesday night) and then sign up to bring food to share. Choose to bring spaghetti noodles, bread, sauce, or salads (enough for 10-15 ppl per item). It takes a lot to feed Polar Bear families! Don't forget to LABEL your crock pots, utensils, serving bowls and trays so we can get those back to you.

Please check in with Jessica Willemsen on Friday to get your job credits if you are working a setup, serving, or cleanup shift.

Sign-ups are now OPEN; RSVPs are due by Tuesday night for planning purposes. If you're planning to come, please do sign up to contribute food or a job shift.

The event starts on Friday at 5:30pm. and ends by 7:30pm. Plan to bring your own chairs and get comfy picnic-style around the deck. We will feed swimmers first, then adults. There is NO SWIMMING!

Questions: Please contact spaghetti dinner coordinator Jessica Willemsen [email protected]

Thu Jul 25 2024

Night Riders - Shhhhhh
Start: 6:00 PM
End: 9:00 PM

Night Riders is a top-secret tradition for those 8 & under swimmers who are attending the DCSL meet!

Coaches and older swimmers will visit our younger Polar Bears at their homes to get them psyched for the big DCSL league meet! Sshh...don't tell your kids; this is such a fun surprise! 

Wed Jul 24 2024

Mama Bear Spirit Week Bracelet Making
RSM Pool Deck
Start: 6:00 PM
End: 8:00 PM (estimated)

Excited to bring back Mama Bear bracelet making night!! BYOB and bracelet making supplies provided. 

Mon-Fri Jul 22-26 2024

Spirit Week!!
Start: 11:00 AM
End: 12:00 PM

Get excited for Spirit Week, July 22-26th!

DCSL, Saturday July 27th and Sunday July 28th! Let’s get our Polar Bear Spirit on and gear up for the BIG League Championship Meet!

Monday: Stay after practice to make a customized Polar Bear keychain to hang with pride on your swim bag.

Tuesday: Make signs to be hung around the pool and along the way to Northgate for the big meet! Cool Beads Ice Cream will be handed out to each swimmer after their practice!

Wednesday: Wacky Wednesday! Stick around the pool to color your hair and paint your nails. (Special assignment for the 11/12 year olds: help us prep the goodie bags for our night riders after your practice!)

Thursday: Airbrush Tattoos - back by popular demand!!  Special airbrush tattoo artist giving individual tattoos from 10am-1:00pm. Tattoos will be $7 each – cash and Venmo will be accepted.

Also... sssshhh... special night for our 8 and under swimmers. The coaches and older swimmers will visit our younger Polar Bears to get them psyched for DCSL! Don't tell your kids! Your swimmers MUST be signed in to the DCSL meet to receive a visit.

Friday: Tag your ride! We will have all the supplies for decorating cars and spreading our RSM pride around town!

Please come back to the pool from 5:30-7:30pm to carb-load at our Spaghetti Dinner

You swam hard all season, now it’s time to really shine!!

Go Polar Bears!!

Sun Jul 21 2024

HOX Last Chance Swim Meet
599 Blackhawk Club Dr, Danville, CA 94506
Start: 3:00 PM
Warm-up: 1:30 PM
End: 7:00 PM (estimated)

This is an opt-in "Last Chance" meet for swimmers to choose any events to swim in. There is a fee to pay for each event.  Families must enter their swimmers individually for this meet; RSM will not be organizing a team entry, nor sending coaches.  More information can be found here: https://www.gomotionapp.com/team/recvsabstca/page/2022-last-chance- (choose the "individual swimmer" registration option if you plan to attend).

Sat Jul 20 2024

RSM @ Scottsdale
500 Walnut Ave, Walnut Creek, CA 94598
Start: 9:00 AM
Warm-up: 8:15 AM
End: 12:30 PM (estimated)

Sign out by July 13.

Fri Jul 19 2024

13 -18 Outing - CANCELED Putter's Miniature Golf
1275 S California Blvd, Walnut Creek
Start: 5:00 PM
End: 7:00 PM (estimated)

Calling all 13 & Ups!!

Save the date for Friday, July 19st from 5:00-7:00 pm for Mini Golf, Pizza and Fun!!!

Please RSVP then purchase a $20 ticket through the RSM Store.

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